While free speech has protections, political talk in the office may not be okay. There is no right to “free speech” in private workplace; and even the First Amendment doesn’t protect political speech at work. Many states have laws protecting employees from discipline or termination for exercising their free-speech rights, but these protections aren’t necessarily comprehensive. HR can help by establishing and communicating clear expectations about political expression in the workplace, then training supervisors and managers on these policies. You also can set some limits, such as restricting access to bulletin boards or e-mail systems for political purposes and not allowing third-party political activity on the premises. Clearly communicate and enforce dress codes, especially in regards to politically-related attire. Make sure staff understand the importance of respecting those with different opinions. Investigate any complaint of harassment or bullying promptly; and make sure everyone is treated fairly and consistently. If you are unsure how to handle a situation, seek legal counsel. Read the full article.