Let’s face it. This has not been a year for optimism. However, 2021 is on its way; and there is reason for hope. When you or your team need a boost, consider the following:
- There is less uncertainty. We have learned much about COVID-19 and how to manage a pandemic in the past eight months; and we now have the promise of a vaccine coming in the new year. While we’re still not through the tunnel, there is a light at the end that should give us hope.
- A crisis can upset the status quo, and that can be a good thing. Take a minute to look at the positive efforts, activities, innovations, and changes that have come about because of the pandemic. Which of these might benefit your organization if they’re implemented on a long-term basis? For instance, what meetings can be better held remotely? How might you use these to cut travel expenses or give more workers access to conferences and educational opportunities?
- Spring is on the way. Do some forward thinking and work with your teams to envision a brighter future. What will it look like and how can you help realize it? Imagine how you will be encouraged and energized in 2021 and beyond.