If you have many Gen Z workers, buckle up. According to a new study, about 40% of them say they’d like to leave their current job. Part of the reason they cite for this is that they are dissatisfied with the capabilities of their current company’s IT. If you want to keep your Gen Zers, make sure your technology is providing the greatest level of efficiency possible. Specifically:
· G Zers expect consumer-grade technology that mirrors the ease of use they experience in their personal lives.
· 67% of employees – Gen Zers and others – say that their digital experience at work falls far short of what they have in their everyday life.
· Younger workers in particular want high speed technology, and they expect technology and the digital world to be intertwined and function seamlessly together.
· Experts suggest that employers focus on the digital employee experience, that is, personalized interactions, processes, and content resource that contribute to employee success and a positive work experience.