On the surface, Mary may seem like a natural for a position as a floor nurse in the dementia unit. She has 10 years of experience in an assisted living facility, and her values are consistent with the organization’s culture. But as time goes on, she is unhappy. What happened? It’s easier than you think to hire the right person for the wrong position. To avoid this, align competencies needed to be successful—and content—with a job to the candidate who is naturally strong in those areas. For instance, Mary has strong skills and interest in identifying patient goals and helping them achieve these; she is very outcomes driven and has extensive knowledge of community resources. As a result, she might be happier working with short-stay patients and helping them successfully transfer home. For other employees, providing advice, motivation, and leadership comes naturally. These individuals might function best in a management role. The types of competencies applicable here include team building, coaching, conflict management, change leadership, and generating enthusiasm. Read the full article.