Procrastination is probably more common than you think. Instead of being embarrassed about it or denying that you procrastinate, take a few steps to move forward:
- Start with low-hanging fruit. Tackle the task in tiny pieces. For instance, instead of stressing about a big report, take it in manageable chunks. Today, work on the outline. Tomorrow, draft the introduction/executive summary and so on.
- Set deadlines and stick to them. Make these realistic so you don’t have an excuse to miss them.
- Make it an experiment. Don’t build up the value or impact of the task or project to the point where you feel paralyzed. For instance, starting a podcast isn’t a lifetime commitment. It’s something you’re trying. If it’s not a good fit, this doesn’t make you a failure or mean that you’ll never be able to have a successful podcast. Give it your best try and learn from your mistakes.
- Reward yourself when you make progress. Whether it’s a latte and scone, a manicure, a walk in the park, or something else, give yourself a treat for accomplishing tasks and use these as incentives to keep you going.