Recruiting and retaining moms and dads alike requires HR to understand what these employees need and want to successfully juggle career and family.
The competition for the best and brightest caregivers and other employees is tougher than ever. One way to get ahead of the curve is to ensure that you offer benefits that appeal to both moms and dads raising families.
Paid parental leave is one way to attract and keep employs with kids on the payroll. The percentage of companies offering paternity leave jumped from 21% in 2016 to 29% in 2018. At the same time, 35% of companies offered paid maternity leave in 2018, compared to 26% in 2016.
Other popular parent-friendly benefits include:
· On-site day care for children.
· Sick-child care.
· Assistance finding babysitters or other child care resources.
· Family-friendly events such as parties, holiday shopping fairs, and movies.
Among the more innovative, unique benefits are career and family transition coaching programs, financial support for in vitro fertilization and other fertility-related expenses, and support for children with autism and other illnesses.
At the same time, some companies are focusing on parental benefits specifically for dads. A 2017 study identified several benefits to attract fathers, including:
· Networks or mentoring programs that focus on work/life struggles as well as career development for men.
· Training to help fathers with career/life planning.
· Flexible schedules and work options to better enable dads to handle professional and personal responsibilities.
The study authors concluded, “The old stereotype of fathers as career-centric detached parents who do not seek intimate relationships with their children is outdated…And as many men go through this transition, a significant number are caught between two competing ideas – those of ideal worker and ideal parent.” Understanding and addressing this conflict will be win-win for everyone.