You know that stress takes a toll. You’ve heard about it, you’ve heard about it, and you likely have experienced it – particularly during this past year. While you may feel pressured or obligated to work longer and harder these days, there are many reasons – and some ways – to step back and give yourself a break:
- Dig deep: What will really happen if you don’t stay late tonight? You may think you’ll be in trouble, and maybe that’s true. But is it really worth missing dinner with your family or your kid’s basketball game? Will your job be at risk? Will others’ lives or safety be threatened? It’s easy to imagine the worst. Step back and look at why you’re pushing yourself so hard.
- Share your goal to dial it back with someone you respect. Perhaps they can help coach you on ways to do it; or at least they can be a source of encouragement and support.
- Focus on what really matters. Conduct an 80/20 analysis and determine what efforts at work product the most results. Cut out (or at least reduce) the tasks that don’t really produce discernable results.
- Know when you’re done. It may be tempting to rework that report one more time, add some more graphics to that white paper, or go through that budget again. Instead, when you complete a task effectively, let it go. Resist the urge to obsess over things.