Studies show that employees who receive mentoring are five times more likely to be promoted than their non-mentored colleagues; and 94% of employees say they would stay at their company longer if they had mentorship opportunities. So how do you start a successful mentorship program?
- Create a written guide for how the program will work. Include a detailed description of the mentorship initiative, its objectives, who is eligible, and the intended benefits.
- Define the program’s goals including: developing a solid relationship between the mentor and mentee, providing guidance and support to the mentee, helping the mentee grow and develop professionally, decreasing the mentee’s stress, and increasing the person’s career satisfaction and motivation.
- Match the mentors and mentees effectively. Consider things like communication style, personal compatibility, and common values. Make sure the mentor has the skills and experience to help the mentee reach their goals.
- Measure your performance. Have specific metrics that will enable you to measure the success of the program and identify opportunities for improvement.