In a new survey, 89% of workers say they’ve experienced burnout this past year. When they were asked what benefits would help, they didn’t say ‘more vacation.’ Instead, they want flexible work hours, mental health resources/support, paid sick days, a wellness program, and a four-day workweek.
Among other findings from the survey:
- 27% of workers say they experience burnout all the time. The highest levels of burnout are reported by Gen Z and millennial workers.
- Women (91%) have more burnout than men (86%).
- Respondents report several causes for burnout, including an unmanageable workload, a toxic or unsupportive workplace culture, and world events (including the pandemic).
- One-third of workers say they feel pressured to check in with work during time off, and half say they can never fully disconnect. Preparing to take time off, then catching up afterwards, also contribute to stress, workers say.