People have long worried that robots and computers will take over their jobs. However, increasingly organizations are seeing that technology actually enables human employees to work smarter, better, and happier. Here’s why automation in the workplace is a good thing for your teams:
- It improves employee satisfaction. In one survey, 89% of workers say that automation has made them more efficient. Nearly two-thirds say that technology used in the workplace is an important consideration when they are weighing a job move.
- It makes workers better at their jobs. Instead of replacing humans, automation reduces people’s workloads and increases the time workers have to focus on complex and creative tasks.
You can help employee embrace automation by:
- Communicating the benefits in a way that resonates with them and addresses their concerns.
- Asking employees to look for automation opportunities.
- Making automation a no-code process. Look for solutions that are user-friendly and implement technology in established workflows.