Knowing your habits when it comes to making decisions can help you be more effective and decisive. So what kind of problem solver are you?
- Adventurer. This is a person who makes decisions quickly and trusts their gut. Whether a challenge is big or small, they prefer to follow their instincts than spend time thinking through all the possibilities.
- Detective. This type of decision-maker values information, facts, and data. They want to see what all the evidence says before they make a decision. They believe that they’d rather have too much information than not enough.
- Listener. This person seeks insights from a variety of trusted confidantes. They rely on these people and feel comfortable knowing they don’t have to decide by themselves.
- Thinker. This individual is thoughtful and resists the urge or pressure to make quick decisions. They weigh options, pros and cons, and possible outcomes. They are less concerned with speed than they are process.
- Visionary. This person wants their decision to be clearly original and inventive. They often surprise people with their plans and ideas.