Go from tech cheerleader to digital quarterback to promote quality, efficiency, and employee engagement.
You don’t have to be a tech expert to promote digital transformation and the use of technology in your organization. However, you should embrace your role as HR leader to identify and promote digital competencies for employees and other team members.
Start with a digital mindset. Work with organizational leaders to align their thoughts, goals, and visions to what technology means to the organization. Be prepared to support your organization by linking high-tech competencies with special job roles and responsibilities.
Be a digital leader and beacon for staff. Help identify costs, risks, and benefits of technology and detail change management pathways/processes to map out the digital transformation journey. Work with staff to determine what training they want and need to enable their digital success. Work with vendors to ensure they will provide the support, training, and follow-up you are likely to need over time. Don’t be surprised by unexpected costs for training, revisions, or upgrades.
Don’t forget C-suiters and other managers. HR professionals should be prepared to help equip organizational leaders with the digital skills they need. Help them understand the digital market and how to ensure new technology and digital resources are aligned with organizational goals and objectives, while ensuring interoperability and coordination with existing tech. Encourage them to model digital leadership for others.
Use skills-based hiring. As technology and digital processes are integrated into different job functions, skills in these areas should be added to job descriptions and competencies required for various roles. Consider using artificial intelligence and predictive analytics to find job candidates who not only have necessary competencies but also are open to learning and using new technology.
You don’t have to a digital guru to be an organization digital leader. You do need to be strong communicator, teacher, listener, and learner. As the use and sophistication of technology grows, be prepared to use the best and most appropriate developments for hiring and employee retention and management. At the same time, know how to help leaders and staff through growing pains and anxiety about and resistance to change. Address individual needs for training to maximize workers’ performance and the confidence to do their jobs effectively.