It’s been a long, hard year; and you and your employees are tired. While traditional holiday celebrations are out, you can help everyone remember happier times, find some holiday joy, and bond with their colleagues. Consider some of these holiday happenings that engage remote workers and onsite teams alike:
- Exchange gifts. Have a Secret Santa via mail. Set a price limit and a deadline for mailing. Make sure addresses are up-to-date.
- Bake for each other. Invite employees to sign up to mail cookies to each other and include the recipe in the package; or consider sending employees recipes and ingredients and have them post pictures/stories of the finished products.
- Exchange e-cards. No time for shopping or baking? Exchange e-gift cards. Set a price limit and have participating employees list 4-5 sites they’d like cards from.
- Exchange virtual cards. Share information about (free) sites where employees can create virtual cards. Encourage creativity, and maybe even have a contest for the best cards.
- Speaking of contests, ugly sweaters, anyone? Have employees post pictures of their ugly holiday sweaters or shirts on-line and let co-workers vote on the best/worst, gaudiest, funniest, etc.
- Involve families. Have a “jingle family challenge,” where workers post videos of their families singing a favorite holiday song. Everyone can watch the performances, and a panel of judges can choose the best.
- Offer calls with Santa for employees’ children. Video chats with Santa and his elves can be fun for the kids and their parents. Send a small gift to each child.