More time at home has led to more than just an increase in crafting projects and TV binge watching. According to some new data, people are spending significantly more time on learning activities during this pandemic. For example, users watched nearly 8 million hours of courses on LinkedIn Learning in April. This is three times the amount watched in February. Elsewhere:
- Managers spent 105% more time watching courses in March and April than in January and February.
- Online learning activities increased the most for people in the recreation and travel industry (132%). Workers in sales professions invested more time in learning, with 116% increase in activities.
- Stress management was among the most popular online learning topics. Ten times more people watched or participated in programming on this topic in April than in February.
Some experts suggest that fear of layoffs may be driving or contributing to these learning trends. Others suggest that managers have had to take on more responsibilities in light of the pandemic; as a result, they are turning to online learning to up their game.